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Board Calendar Agendas & Minutes


The agenda for a regularly scheduled board meeting will be posted at least three days prior to the meeting of the Board of Trustees. Special meeting agendas will be posted in compliance with the Brown Act.

To access an agenda from any year, click on the following link:
Lincoln Unified School District agendas on
Once you open that website, click on "Meetings" to find the agenda you wish to review.

Open Session will begin at 6:30 p.m., with closed session immediately prior, unless otherwise stated in the agenda.  The Closed Session portion of the board meeting meets before Open Session.  The board discusses confidential matters in Closed Session.  Any action taken in Closed Session will be announced in Open Session.

Board Policies and Administrative Regulations are also available on BoardDocs. Once you open the website, click "Policies" at the top right of the page. There is a drop-down box to select either Board Policies or Administrative Regulations, and a search box above that.