Parent Committees
There are a number of ways that you can be involved in your child’s education. We value having a collaborative relationship between our staff, families and the community. Having ongoing dialogue about our school is an important factor that contributes to our success. Here are the parent committees:
English Learner Advisory Committee - A school-level committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise school officials on English learner programs and services.
School Site Council - The school site council develops the School Plan for Student Achievement for programs funded through the consolidated application. This group discusses regularly discusses school policies and procedures.
Parent Teacher Student Association - The PTSA is a volunteer association where parents, educators, students and the community have an opportunity to be active in the school. This group is essential in the planning of student activities and family events. The fundraising efforts of the PTSA help to provide enrichment opportunities for our students.
2024 - 25 PTSA Events
You may view our 2024 - 25 Calendar with this document:
You may also download the Calendar as a PDF here.